About the test day
Test day information
You will receive important information about the test venue, access and the starting time, by e-mail a week before the test date. Please check your spam folder for this email. If you arrive late to your IELTS test, you might not be allowed to participate.
Staff will need to watch you power off your phone and all other devices. You will leave all your belongings in the cloakroom at the instructions of the staff. Do not wear clothing printed with English text or bulky or outdoor clothing.
The only things you can bring into the test room are the accepted ID, and a transparent bottle of plain non-carbonised water without label or any text. Nothing else.
If you need anything else during the test for medical reasons, this will only be accepted after prior approval and supporting medical evidence, received before the test day.
Family or friends can not wait at the premises.
ID check, photo and other measures
Your ID will be checked and your photo taken. Please note you must bring the same passport/ID that was accepted in your registration.
Test takers who bring a different ID, or no ID, will not be allowed to sit the test. This also applies EU citizens who register with their passport but bring their National ID card, or vice versa.
If you need to submit your passport to an embassy for renewal or visa, please plan this ahead of the test date. A pending visum application or passport renewal is not a valid reason for cancellation or refund.
Please note that all the measures taken by the IELTS staff with regard to photo, repeated ID checks etc. are according to global rules and are meant to maintain the standard format of the test, as well as to protect the integrity of the test. This is both in your interest and the interest of the receiver organisations.
This takes about 2 hrs 45 minutes. There are no breaks. You can use the bathroom in the first 50 min. of the Reading test and in the first 50 min. of the Writing test, but not during the Listening test and not in between the tests.
The individual Speaking tests are held in the same venue and take up to 15 minutes. Please be at the venue 15 minutes before the time of your Speaking test to check in. You need to bring your ID for the Speaking test.
Are you interested in booking an IELTS test in Denmark or Norway?
We offer both in-person computer-based tests, paper-based tests and online tests.