TOEFL vs. IELTS: Compare the tests and book your English test today

The IELTS and TOEFL exams are two of the most widely accepted English proficiency exams around the world for university studies or immigration. However, the tests are different in their structure, approach, and criteria. 

When you compare the two tests you will notice a couple of differences in their format. They both have the same sections, testing the basic skills of reading, listening, speaking, and writing. But while the TOEFL speaking part is 20 minutes and done by speaking into a microphone, the IELTS test is shorter and is a real conversation face-to-face with an examiner.

We have illustrated the differences below for you to get a better overview.

TOEFL vs. IELTS illustrated



Available at about 1600 locations worldwide

Available at over 4,500 locations worldwide


DKK 1945, price per January 27th, 2022

USD 295 (DKK 1947), price per January 27th, 2022


Score from 0-9 with half points

Score from 0 to 120


2 hours and 45 minutes + 15 min speaking test 

4 hours

Test sections (in order)

Listening: 30 minutes

Reading: 60 minutes

Writing: 60 minutes

Speaking: 11-14 minutes in person (section can also be taken before the other three sections)

Reading: 60-80 minutes

Listening: 60-90 minutes

Speaking: 20 minutes (In microphone)

Writing: 50 minutes

Accents (listening)

Native-speaker English, including North American, British, Australian and New Zealand English

Native-speaker English, including North American, British, Australian and New Zealand English

Test Options and method 

1) Test on computer (secure cabled network) with face-to-face speaking test

2) Pen-and-Paper test with face-to-face speaking test 

Academic and General Training version

Online test (all 4 skills with one-way speaking into the  headset of the computer) 

One version only                                                     


Accepted by more than 10,000 institutions in over 140 countries.

Accepted by more than 11,000 universities and other institutions in over 150 countries

When and Where is the test offered?



IELTS on computer can be offered any day of the week 

IELTS on paper is offered on selected Thursdays or on Saturdays


Can be offered weekly 


It is important to note that you will not be penalised for using either UK or US spelling, as long as your answers are correct.

What is TOEFL?

TOEFL is a language test for mainly non-native English speakers, offering an academic English option used as an entrance requirement at universities and graduate schools.It is developed by an American company, ETS, to measure the basic skills of reading, speaking, writing, and listening. 

The test can be taking online (TOEFL IBT); it takes around four hours to complete. Candidates start and finish at different times so you may writing while the next person is speaking. 

To take an TOEFL test, go to there officiel website

What is IELTS?

The IELTS test uses a variety of accepted native-speaking English dialects and is designed to assess your English skills based on 4 language skills - listening, reading, writing and speaking. IELTS is accepted in thousands of institutions in over 140 countries. Each institution, however, sets its own requirements for the individual IELTS scores. 

As one of the pioneers of four skills English language testing 30 years ago, IELTS continues to set the standard for English language testing today. Governments in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom use IELTS to process immigration applications.

The IELTS test is available in two versions; Academic and General Training. 

IELTS Academic is mainly for those planning to enroll in higher education, or for accreditation of medical staff and measures whether your level of English language proficiency is suitable for an academic environment. It reflects aspects of academic language and evaluates whether you’re ready to begin training or studying.

IELTS General Training measures English language proficiency in a practical, everyday context and is meant for work or migration or study at below-degree level. The tasks and tests reflect both workplace and every day social situations.

The test takes two hours and 45 minutes to complete plus a 15-minute speaking test. Everybody starts at the same time and works on the same part at the same time. 

In both versions, IELTS uses a face-to-face speaking test with an examiner to assess your English communication skills. This means that you are assessed by having a real conversation with a real person. This is the most effective and natural way to test your English speaking skills and it is very popular compared to speaking into a computer.

The IELTS test can be taken both in a paper format and on computer. The paper format is offered on a range of fixed dates per year, while the IELTS on computer can be offered more frequently, both depending on a test centre's capacity. The content, recognition and validity of the paper- and computer-IELTS are exactly the same. 

 Book your IELTS test at EDU 

Are you interested in booking an IELTS test in Denmark or Norway?

We offer both in-person computer-based tests, paper-based tests and online tests.

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