EDU samarbejder med over 55 universiteter over hele verden, så det kan virke uoverskueligt at finde ud af, hvor det er relevant for dig at læse.

Derfor har vi lavet en søgemaskine, så du med ganske få klik kan få overblik over dét universitet, der bedst matcher dine studieønsker. Du kan gør universiteter til favoritter, så de bliver gemt på din mitEDU-profil.

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Gode råd om søgemaskinen

Søgemaskinen er bygget op af nogle meget generelle hoved- og studieområder. Derudover kan du indsnævre efter budget, karakterkrav og øvrige kriterier til destinationen.

Resultaterne er derfor generelle og skal ses som inspiration til mulige studiemuligheder fremfor en facitliste. 

Når du indtaster dine søgekriterier skal du starte med at vælge "Studietype". Derefter kan du vælge et helt "hovedområde", f.eks. "Business and Management" eller indsnævre ved folde hovedområdet ud med klik på den lille pil, og så kun af vælge udvalgte "studieområder" under hovedområdet - f.eks. "Business Communication" og "Marketing and Sales".

I resultatlisten kan du filtrere resultaterne ved at sortere på kategorierne "universitet", "land", "hovedområde" eller "studieområde".
Hvis et universitet kommer frem på resultatlisten indenfor et bestemt studieområde, betyder det, at universitetet udbyder fag indenfor det studieområde – men det kan være alt fra ét til mange fag.
Du bør derfor altid tjekke hvilke fag, universiteterne konkret udbyder. Denne information finder du på universiteternes profiler på vores hjemmeside under fanen ”Hvad kan jeg læse?”.

Under "Øvrige kriterier" kan du indsnævre yderligere, hvis det f.eks. er vigtigt for dig, at universitetet er højt ranket, ligger i en storby eller i et varmt klima.

Du kan også indsnævre valget af universiteter i forhold til pris. Kategorierne tager udgangspunkt i bachelorniveau, og hvad der normalt svarer til et semester herhjemme. Universiteternes placering i priskategorierne er vejledende, og prisen kan være forskellig fra bachelor- og kandidatniveau. Du kan på nogle universiteter have en grad af valgfrihed i forhold til antallet af fag pr. semester, hvilket også kan påvirke prisen. Derudover kan valutakursen også have indflydelse på prisen. Du bør derfor altid orientere dig omkring den faktiske pris på det enkelte universitets profil på EDU’s hjemmeside.

Du klikker dig ind på universitetsprofilen ved at klikke på universitetsnavnet i resultatlisten nedenfor.

Tip: Vælg flere intervaller, hvis du vil se alle universiteter, der er billigere eller lig med dit budget
Karakterkrav til Study Abroad
Tip: Sæt kryds i flere intervaller, hvis du vil se alle universiteter, du kan komme ind på med dit gennemsnit
Øvrige kriterier for destination og universitet
Studietype: Studieområde: Land: Kriterier: Undervisningsafgift: Krav:

Din søgning gav 2817 resultater, fordelt på 56 universiteter.

Klik på det enkelte universitet for at se de alle de studiemuligheder, som universitetet tilbyder inden for dit valgte hovedområde.

På denne side vises 601 til 800

Læs på University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney

Du skal logge ind eller oprette en mitEDU profil for at tilføje universitetet som favorit.

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University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney
Land Hovedområde Studieområde Note
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Social Science Sociology
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Humanities Media Studies
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Education Social Work
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Natural and Physical Science Earth Science (Geography and Geology)
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Psychology Psychology
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Engineering Software and IT Engineering
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Architecture and Urban Planning Building and Construction
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Communication, Journalism and Media Animation
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Law and Legal Studies Criminology
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Design Graphic and Design Studies
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Business and Management Human Resource Management
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Humanities Philosophy
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Education Teacher Education
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Natural and Physical Science Environmental Sciences
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Social Science Anthropology
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Engineering Telecommunication Engineering
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Architecture and Urban Planning Design
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Communication, Journalism and Media Communication
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Law and Legal Studies International Law
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Engineering Environmental Engineering
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Design Music
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Business and Management International Business
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Humanities Religious Studies
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Engineering Architectural, Building and Construction Engineering
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australien Natural and Physical Science Marine Sciences

Læs på University of Newcastle

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University of Newcastle
Land Hovedområde Studieområde Note
University of Newcastle Australien Natural and Physical Science Chemical Sciences
University of Newcastle Australien Communication, Journalism and Media Journalism
University of Newcastle Australien Engineering Mechatronics
University of Newcastle Australien Psychology Psychology
University of Newcastle Australien Law and Legal Studies Criminology
University of Newcastle Australien Business and Management Marketing and Sales
University of Newcastle Australien Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Design Graphic and Design Studies
University of Newcastle Australien Engineering Aviation and Aerospace Engineering
University of Newcastle Australien Humanities Philosophy
University of Newcastle Australien Business and Management Business and Commerce
University of Newcastle Australien Natural and Physical Science Earth Science (Geography and Geology)
University of Newcastle Australien Communication, Journalism and Media Multimedia design
University of Newcastle Australien Engineering Software and IT Engineering
University of Newcastle Australien Agriculture, Veterinary Studies and Animal Science Agriculture
University of Newcastle Australien Social Science Anthropology
University of Newcastle Australien Law and Legal Studies International Law
University of Newcastle Australien Business and Management MBA
University of Newcastle Australien Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Design Music
University of Newcastle Australien Engineering Biomedical Engineering
University of Newcastle Australien Humanities Religious Studies
University of Newcastle Australien Business and Management Business Communication
University of Newcastle Australien Natural and Physical Science Environmental Sciences
University of Newcastle Australien Education Curriculum and Pedagogical Studies
University of Newcastle Australien Hospitality and Tourism Hospitality and Tourism
University of Newcastle Australien Agriculture, Veterinary Studies and Animal Science Food Science
University of Newcastle Australien Social Science Economics
University of Newcastle Australien Law and Legal Studies Law

Kræver tilladelse for study abroad studerende.

University of Newcastle Australien Business and Management Sports, Tourism and Event Management
University of Newcastle Australien Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Design Photography
University of Newcastle Australien Engineering Chemical Engineering
University of Newcastle Australien Information Technology Computer Science
University of Newcastle Australien Business and Management Finance and Economics
University of Newcastle Australien Natural and Physical Science Marine Sciences
University of Newcastle Australien Education Early Childhood Education
University of Newcastle Australien Humanities Cultural Studies
University of Newcastle Australien Architecture and Urban Planning Architecture

Kræver tilladelse for study abroad studerende.

University of Newcastle Australien Social Science International Relations
University of Newcastle Australien Medical and Human Health Sciences Sports and Exercise Science
University of Newcastle Australien Communication, Journalism and Media Animation
University of Newcastle Australien Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Design Theatre and Acting
University of Newcastle Australien Engineering Civil Engineering
University of Newcastle Australien Information Technology Computer Systems Engineering
University of Newcastle Australien Business and Management Human Resource Management
University of Newcastle Australien Natural and Physical Science Mathematical Sciences
University of Newcastle Australien Education Social Work
University of Newcastle Australien Humanities History
University of Newcastle Australien Architecture and Urban Planning Building and Construction
University of Newcastle Australien Social Science Political Sciences
University of Newcastle Australien Natural and Physical Science Biological Sciences
University of Newcastle Australien Communication, Journalism and Media Communication
University of Newcastle Australien Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Design Visual and Fine Arts
University of Newcastle Australien Engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Newcastle Australien Information Technology Information Systems
University of Newcastle Australien Business and Management International Business
University of Newcastle Australien Natural and Physical Science Natural Sciences, other
University of Newcastle Australien Education Teacher Education
University of Newcastle Australien Humanities Language and Linguistics
University of Newcastle Australien Architecture and Urban Planning Design
University of Newcastle Australien Social Science Social Science
University of Newcastle Australien Natural and Physical Science Biotechnology
University of Newcastle Australien Communication, Journalism and Media Film, Television and Digital Media
University of Newcastle Australien Engineering Environmental Engineering
University of Newcastle Australien Psychology Cognitive Sciences
University of Newcastle Australien Information Technology Information Technology
University of Newcastle Australien Business and Management Management
University of Newcastle Australien Natural and Physical Science Physical Sciences
University of Newcastle Australien Engineering Architectural, Building and Construction Engineering
University of Newcastle Australien Humanities Literature
University of Newcastle Australien Business and Management Accounting
University of Newcastle Australien Social Science Sociology

Læs på University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane

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University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane
Land Hovedområde Studieområde Note
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Business and Management Marketing and Sales
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Social Science Sociology
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Medical and Human Health Sciences Sports and Exercise Science
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Engineering Environmental Engineering
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Business and Management Accounting
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Psychology Psychology
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Law and Legal Studies International Law
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Engineering Architectural, Building and Construction Engineering
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Agriculture, Veterinary Studies and Animal Science Animal Sciences
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Natural and Physical Science Mathematical Sciences
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Humanities History
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Business and Management Sports, Tourism and Event Management
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Natural and Physical Science Biological Sciences
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Engineering Mechanical Engineering
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Business and Management Business and Commerce
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Social Science Anthropology
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Law and Legal Studies Law
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Engineering Aviation and Aerospace Engineering
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Agriculture, Veterinary Studies and Animal Science Food Science
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Natural and Physical Science Natural Sciences, other
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Humanities Language and Linguistics
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Information Technology Computer Science
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Communication, Journalism and Media Communication
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Natural and Physical Science Biotechnology
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Engineering Nanotechnology
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Business and Management Finance and Economics
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Social Science Economics
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Medical and Human Health Sciences Medicine and Health Sciences

Health sciences but not medicine

University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Engineering Biomedical Engineering
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Agriculture, Veterinary Studies and Animal Science Horticulture
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Natural and Physical Science Physical Sciences
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Humanities Literature
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Information Technology Computer Systems Engineering
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Communication, Journalism and Media Film, Television and Digital Media
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Natural and Physical Science Chemical Sciences
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Engineering Software and IT Engineering
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Business and Management Human Resource Management
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Social Science International Relations
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Medical and Human Health Sciences Nutrition and Dietics
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Engineering Chemical Engineering
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Architecture and Urban Planning Architecture
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Design Music
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Humanities Media Studies
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Information Technology Information Systems
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Communication, Journalism and Media Journalism
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Natural and Physical Science Earth Science (Geography and Geology)
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Hospitality and Tourism Hospitality and Tourism
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Business and Management International Business
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Social Science Political Sciences
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Medical and Human Health Sciences Pharmacology and Pharmacy
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Engineering Civil Engineering
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Architecture and Urban Planning Design
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Design Theatre and Acting
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Humanities Philosophy
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Information Technology Information Technology
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Communication, Journalism and Media Multimedia design
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Natural and Physical Science Environmental Sciences
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Humanities Archaeology
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Business and Management Management
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Social Science Social Science
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Medical and Human Health Sciences Public Health
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Architecture and Urban Planning Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Psychology Cognitive Sciences


University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Humanities Religious Studies
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Law and Legal Studies Criminology
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Education Social Work
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Agriculture, Veterinary Studies and Animal Science Agriculture
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Natural and Physical Science Marine Sciences
University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane Australien Humanities Cultural Studies

Læs på University of Sydney (USYD)

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University of Sydney (USYD)
Land Hovedområde Studieområde Note
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Business and Management Management
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Information Technology Information Technology
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Agriculture, Veterinary Studies and Animal Science Horticulture
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Natural and Physical Science Earth Science (Geography and Geology)
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Engineering Chemical Engineering
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Business and Management Business and Commerce
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Social Science International Relations
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Humanities Media Studies
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Medical and Human Health Sciences Pharmacology and Pharmacy
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Education Early Childhood Education
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Agriculture, Veterinary Studies and Animal Science Veterinary Sciences
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Design Photography
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Engineering Software and IT Engineering
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Business and Management Marketing and Sales
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Law and Legal Studies Criminology
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Natural and Physical Science Environmental Sciences
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Engineering Civil Engineering
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Business and Management Business Communication
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Social Science Political Sciences
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Humanities Philosophy
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Medical and Human Health Sciences Physiotherapy
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Education Social Work
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Architecture and Urban Planning Architecture
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Design Visual and Fine Arts
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Humanities Archaeology
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Communication, Journalism and Media Communication
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Law and Legal Studies International Law
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Natural and Physical Science Marine Sciences
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Business and Management Finance and Economics
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Social Science Social Science
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Humanities Religious Studies
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Medical and Human Health Sciences Public Health
University of Sydney (USYD) Australien Education Teacher Education